Saturday, July 24, 2010

A 2-in-1 post, sort of.

Looking at my older outfit posts, the ones I'll do from now on will look so much better! This is probably because of two things: one, my style is better now [or at least I'd like to think so], and two, instead of relying so much on self-timed pictures in front of my bedroom door [even though I still take some of my own photos... and those are blurry!] I've started going outside and recruiting my mother to take pictures. You can laugh, but it's not like I have anyone else to do it! I left my brothers in Iran, and sadly they are the photographers who would be perfect for the job.

Anyway, ecco two variations on the same outfit. I'm absolutely in love with these fake glasses, which I got for $5 in Downtown. I really would wear them much more often if I didn't sometimes feel so silly going out in public with them. The reason for the second variation is because in the late afternoon and evening that day [Tuesday of this week] I went out with my friends for the first time since I got back from Iran. We went to the Grove, which I always love seeing since it's a rare treat for me! It's actually sort of mind-blowing to me how little of Los Angeles I actually know, despite having lived here for over 19 years [this number comes from the fact that we moved here to a suburb of LA when I was two months old, and I am now just 5 months short of 20]. I suppose it's a good thing I'll be attending UCLA, which is almost at the heart of this city.... which is becoming increasingly more beautiful and intriguing to me by the day.

[Please click on the pictures to view them big, since they look much better that way!]

Here's the second variation... though I personally like this one better, unfortunately I didn't take as many pictures of it, since I was in a rush to leave the house. Maybe someday I'll do the outfit again, and take even better pictures.

h&m grey blazer, a new purchase :)
simple white tank from target
black denim shorts from forever 21
steve madden studded gladiator sandals
coral pink scarf from forever 21
billabong black jeans, a gift
rose, pearl, and gold necklace from forever 21
my new favourite bag, a gift from my aunt in paris!
fake wayfarer clear lenses from downtown
rings from iran, forever 21, and artesia [and some gifts]
bracelets from downtown, haight-ashbury, iran, found, and gifts

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